Allison Peterson
What’s a Brain Wiggle?
As a psychic medium, when I connect with people in spirit, I feel a unique sensation in my mind. Think of it like a muffled, ringing telephone. Before I realized that I had unintentionally awakened my abilities, I referred to these sensations as “brain wiggles.”
Seemingly overnight, I became a “celestial mailman,” delivering messages to friends, acquaintances, and strangers from their passed loved ones.
Reading books, taking classes, seeking mentorships, and meditation have helped both expand my knowledge and refine my abilities. There’s always something new to learn!
How I Receive Information
The way I receive information feels like playing charades with people in spirit. They send over pieces and parts of their message and I let my intuition connect the dots.
Information comes through differently for each psychic medium. I’ve listed the ways that I personally receive information and what I experience.
I see cloud-like numbers, letters, and shapes of items. I must trust my intuition and not second guess myself. It’s like looking at the clouds and firmly proclaiming, “Oh! That looks like a turnip on a motorcycle!”
Other times I see clearer images, like photos or short movie clips.
Sometimes information will come through as signs, symbols, or references to pop culture that connect to either your or my personal experiences.
Sometimes the information just pops into my mind. Think of it like going to your mailbox to discover an envelope with your name on it, but no return address. You open the envelope and read the letter that’s inside.
Now you have the information without knowing the source.
I hear music, song lyrics, phrases, and other sounds not related to my current environment.
I feel different sensations on my body related to medical conditions or to someone’s passing.
Other times I will feel emotions experienced by people connected to the person who had passed.
Sometimes people, both alive or in spirit, will visit me in my dreams to initiate contact or share a message.
Sometimes they are people, and sometimes they are represented by objects that hint at who they are. For example, sometimes I see my mom as herself, and other times she is a bowl of coleslaw.
Sometimes I will receive information before an event happens through a combination of the methods described above.
This information comes in cryptically—not as specific dates and times.
It is possible for me to pick up people’s energy from objects—specifically items that are metal and were carried/worn often by the owner(s).
Book a Reading
Let me be super-duper clear: Each of us has the ability to connect with passed loved ones, spirit guides, our Higher Selves, or any divine entity on our own.
With that being said, the impact and clarity of a message may be easier to receive with additional support. If that’s something that feels good for you, do your homework and find someone that you feel comfortable with and can trust.
Messages come through psychic mediums, not from them.